Because of all the manufacturing, Paterson has long been a city of many immigrants. It remains so today (although there is less manufacturing). Only the countries of origin have changed. Today, 50-60% of the population is Hispanic. 32% is African American. There is also a sizable group of middle eastern immigrants. The apartment building where I live is one block over from a big Islamic Center/mosque. Parking was pretty crazy on Friday afternoon when their main prayer service is held.
The neighborhood where church is has a lot of Jamaican immigrants (I need to go to the restaurant with Jamaican food soon!). The demographics of the church are roughly 60% African American, 30% Anglo, and the rest English-speaking Hispanics (and I guess anyone else). I know statistics aren't that interesting, but it does give a glimpse of what the area is like. Basically, I'm in the minority most of the time.