May 05, 2013

Sunday Afternoon Prayer: A Prayer for Those Who are Lonely

I met a profoundly lonely woman this week.  This is my prayer for her, and for all others who feel alone.

 God of the Broken-Hearted,

There are so many people who are lonely in this world.
Left behind after the death of their husband or wife.
Wishing that they had children to care for them as they age.
Devastated after a marriage disintegrated.
Missing friends who had to move away.
Unable to sustain friendships.
Forced to leave homeland and family to flee for their lives.
Feeling alone in the midst of a crowd.

Jesus, you know this feeling.
You cried out from the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

To each person who feels you have forsaken them,
Show up in a profound way.
May they know you as Emmanuel, God-with-them.
God-with-them when they sit in their apartment alone.
God-with-them when the tears pour down their face.
God-with-them as they wonder if this will ever end.

God, work through your people, the body of Christ, the church. 
Inspire your people to go out of their way to find the lonely-hearted.
Give them time and patience to walk with them through dark valleys.
May the body of Christ become our new family,
A place of trust, where the lonely find solace,
Where they met you.

In Jesus’, our Emmanuel's name.

Photo by Dino ahmad ali,  Used under a Creative Commons License