This afternoon’s prayer is inspired by a song that we are
using as our prayer of illumination during Advent, “We Are Waiting” (Contemporary Songs for Worship 18, text
and tune Greg Scheer).
We are waiting, waiting, waiting to hear God’s word.
We are waiting, waiting, speak we are listening Lord.
It’s Advent, and we’re waiting, God.
I am waiting, God.
Waiting to see what will happen in my life. Waiting to see where you will lead me. Waiting.
My parishioners are waiting, God. Waiting for their families to be able to join
them in the U.S. Waiting to see what you have for their
lives. Waiting.
My friends are waiting, God.
Waiting for graduations, babies, and proposals. Waiting to see how you will guide them. Waiting.
We are waiting, God.
Waiting for you to return and make all things new. Waiting to hear the trumpets of your
arrival. Waiting.
Maranatha. Come
quickly, Lord Jesus.
Photo by Li'l Wolf,, 22 December 2012. Used under a Creative Commons License.