November 11, 2012

Sunday Afternoon Prayer: A Post-Election Prayer

Many prayers were offered before the elections in the United States this past week.  I know that some people are thrilled their prayers were answered their way and some are devastated that their prayers were not.  Here is my prayer for this country (and American Christians) as we go forward.

Healing God,
You see our broken and fractured country. You see broken relationships, even within the church, because of politics.  You see fractures among people of different ages, races, genders, classes, and religions.  Bring healing to these fractures.  Heal broken relationships.  May we find our unity in you.  Help us to see beyond ourselves, our interests, our party affiliation, and see the good in others’ points of view.  Heal the broken hearts of candidates who lost elections after pouring their heart and soul into the race.

Wisdom-giving God,
Give your wisdom and discernment to our leaders.  Help them to discern what is best for our country: for our citizens of all kinds, for those hoping to be citizens, for our allies around the world, and for our relationships with countries we might consider our enemies.  And help them to work together for good.  May we all find the power of compromise with one another.  May our laws and policies bring a touch of your peace and justice in this broken world.    

Sovereign God,
Our help comes from you, maker of heaven and earth (Psalm121:2).  Help your people to remember that you are sovereign, that this world belongs to you.  No matter what happens to our country, you are still in control.  Remind us again and again that our primary identity is not in our citizenship, but in the waters of baptism.  We are new creations in Christ, and our only comfort in life and in death is that we belong to you (Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 1).   

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Amen.