Relational God,
Thank you for being a Trinitarian relationship.
Thank you for creating us for relationships with other people.
Thank you for the calling of marriage, for the calling to
live in a life-long relationship that reflects you.
Bless this new marriage relationship, and may it grow and
May it be a place of trust, joy, hospitality, and
service. Give them grace for the hard
times, when they wonder if the relationship is worth it.
May this marriage be a witness to you.
Sacrificial God,
Thank you for your sacrifice—you became human and were
obedient to death, even death on the cross.
Help this couple as they learn to sacrifice their own desire
for the good of the other.
Help them to forgive each other when necessary.
May anyone who comes into contact with them see your
sacrificial love through them.
Loving God.
Thank you for your great love for us.
May this couple know your love more and more.
May each of them grow their roots deeper into you.
As they know more and more of your love, help them to share
that love with others—with each other, any children they may have, their
church, their families, and their neighbor.
May their marriage be a glimpse of what it means that Christ
loves the church.
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Personal photo, May 2010