November 04, 2012

Sunday Afternoon Prayer: On the 16th Anniversary of My Profession of Faith

16 years ago yesterday (November 3, 1996), I stood before my church and claimed God’s baptismal promises as my own when I made public profession of faith.  16 years later, this is my prayer: 

Thank you, Father:
            For your covenant love expressed in the waters of baptism;
For the adventure of following you;
            For the people who have surrounded me on the journey.

Christ, have mercy:
            When I think I can follow you myself;
            When I forget your loving promises;
            When I want to know the destination and don’t trust you to guide.

Spirit, guide me:
            In the upcoming year of following you;
            In growing more like Christ;
            In resting in your promises.

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Amen.