God of time,
You are outside of time. Yet you created time.
That time plays a big part of lives. And sometimes, the timing just seems wrong.
The Israelite people wanted their Messiah to come sooner to rescue them.
Zechariah and Elizabeth longed for a child to be born for years.
Mary faced a too-soon-pregnancy.
Christians have been waiting for Jesus to return. For 2,000 years.
Some wait for a positive pregnancy test while others are overwhelmed with an unexpected pregnancy.
We wait to hear back about job interviews and scholarships, home sales and medical tests.
So often, the timing just seems wrong and our lives feel like they are crumbling.
How long, O Lord?
How long until you make “beautiful things out of dust”?
Jesus, you know time. You too had to wait until your hour came.
Help us as we wait! Give us strength and patience.
Help us to trust in your timing, that you are caring for us even when it seems like our lives are dust.
Help us to see glimpses of “hope…springing up from this old ground.”
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
With thanks to Psalm 13, Luke 1-2, John 2, and “Beautiful Things” by Gungor.
Photo by gilliu00_, used under a Creative Commons License.