April 16, 2013

An Odd and Wondrous Moment

There is a book about pastoral ministry called “this odd and wondrous calling.”  That title phrase captures so much of what my pastoral experience has been, so far.  There have been odd moments.  There have been wondrous moments.  And there have been many moments that are both odd and wondrous: someone sharing how the Holy Spirit spoke to them through a sermon I didn’t think was that good, kneeling to pray on the floor of a Nepalese family’s apartment to pray after an exhausting and scary day, and giving the charge to a friend at her ordination. 

When my friend asked me to give the charge, I said yes immediately.  The charge is one of the last parts of the ordination service, when another pastor encourages the newly ordained pastor in keeping the weighty ordination vows they have just taken.  It is often one of the most personal parts of the service.  I was excited and honored to have this part in her celebration. 

And then I started to think about what I would say.  I started to get cold feet, wondering how I could possibly say something worthy of the occasion.  It seemed like a job better suited to someone with thirty years of ministry experience, not someone who is at the beginning of their ministry journey.

But I said I would do it, so I prayed for words and settled into writing it.  I wrote lines, deleted them, and wrote more.  As I wrote and edited, I found one of those odd and wondrous moments.  The charge is a formal encouragement in ministry, in remaining faithful to the vows you have taken.  But as I was writing I realized that we give each other informal charges all the time.  We encourage each other as we share experiences and ask “what would you do?” or “what do you think I should do?”  We encourage each other as we pray for the difficult and messy situations we face.  We encourage each other to stay faithful to our vows and grow in love for God and his people as we simply spend time together. 

As I wrote and then gave the charge, I discovered that it actually made sense for me to give this charge and not someone who has been doing this forever.  We’re going to live this out together--encouraging, challenging, learning, and discovering.  I’m looking forward to discovering more odd and wondrous moments in the midst of our calling together.     

Personal photo, February 2013

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